Before I begin can we all unanimously acknowledge the cheesiness of my valentine cards!, It truly has warmed my heart today morning, though i have not slept one wink! (I always wanted to use that word wink, never had, and today is a good day to do it)
Am not religious, but when religious people make a big deal out of some days like christmas, easter, ramadhan etc and annoy me with their shenanigans, I pick up my special tolerance towels reserved for religious people wrap it round my heard and act like nothing is happening. I let them enjoy these days that mean nothing to me. They have the right to pollute the air with fireworks, yell on the streets and pray loud enough to fuck my eardrums, paint the city in weird colours and decorations. You will find a christmas tree in a shop in nairobi full of cotton wool ati that is snow? HEEEH?!!!!
So for THOSE HATING VALENTINE'S DAY: Let me ask your ass something, why are you jamming my newsfeed/twitter with your lamed assed thoughts on how valentine's day means nothing to you? and how it is just a Tuesday bla bla bla and how Women should also buy, jada jada jada! the whole godamn week! Yet you are the same dodo who on mothers day, fathers day, breast day, diapers day always has something shitty and mushy to say?
SO there is a lovers day and you dont have a lover, or you have a clandestina and you dont want to buy you wife a gift, we get it, why are you letting all of us know its not like we are expecting you to do anything?why cant you just shut the fuck up and let the lovers have their day?
Obviously for those displaying this high levels of fuckery are either
- Cheap misers who do not want to get their partners a thing and you know its not even about the money, why cant you just go to a field and pick up so flowers?
- You ass is single! you are lonely and just jealous noone is going to get you shit, these are also the same people who send themselves flowers to the office and go like "why do people bother to waste money on this day!!!" or
- You are a bitter old bitch who is a virgin and you are just hating coz your life sucks!! Get a bottle of Jack Daniels and lock yourself in a closet!
This one is a favourite of mine
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